Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How to Create Offline Word of Mouth Marketing.

I am lucky because I get invited to speak at conferences all over North America. I speak on a couple topics (Entrepreneurship, Customer Service, and Social Media) but my favorite is always creating Word of Mouth Marketing. Here is a little talk I gave at the Word of Mouth SuperGenius Conference brought to you by the good folks at Gaspedal.

How to Create Offline Word of Mouth -- presented by Saul Colt from GasPedal on Vimeo.

If you found this interesting you can do one of three things.

1- Tell a friend or post it somewhere.

2- Invite me to speak somewhere...you won't be disappointed!

3- Buy a ticket to the next SuperGenius conference in New York City in July and hear me deliver a brand new talk (since I can't do this one again) about creating "WOM With No Budget!"


karim kanji said...

Great presentation. Would love to see the slide share so please let us know when it's available.


Melissa said...

The Hangover kit is brilliant! Great insight as always.

Chris Fyvie said...

Saul, that's the 4th time I've seen you throw it back at the audience member asking a question. Note to self, next time I see you speak I'll be ready.

Well done yet again!

Omega 3 Supplements said...

Sounds incredible. I will certainly keep you in mind for any functions we have going on in the next year. Think you would be great to have sop by and light a fire up under us.
