Depending on what day you are reading this post it may or not be a Friday...but if it is that means it is #followfriday. For those of you not hip to the term is means that people on twitter post up some names for other folks to follow and be exposed to some new people etc.
Every week I want to post hundreds of people because I enjoy the people on Twitter so much but I don't want to fill with Twitter with too much of my in such a short time-span. So instead I am going to fill this blog with the my list since this place is full of me anyway!
So below is a pretty big list of who I think are the most interesting and fun/informative people on Twitter. It is far from complete and I know I probably forgot a bunch of good folks but here goes anyway.
3rdparty, 40deuce, aaronstrout, accordianguy, acoolong, adamcohen, adamhirsch, adamstrow, adamschwabe, adorowski, adebold, adlewis, adorkablegeek, adrants, AgentM, aintitcool, alancross, alexaclark, alexdesigns, alexknowshtml, alexconde, alizasherman, alkerton, alleyesonjenny, amandagravel, amanda_pants, ambercadabra, ambermacarthur, amyderby, andrearosen, andreat76, andynulman, anildash, anulman, ariehsinger, armano, askfrasco, austinhill, bakespace, baratunde, barrygoldberg, batchblue, bbuset, bcarroll7, bclaymoore, beckymccray, benlucier, bentlegen, bethggwaz, bethharte, bgilham, brendannee, brett, brianmbendis, brianreed, briansolis, brundle_fly, bryanperson, bsharwood, bunchfamily, cappypopp, caro, casiestewart, catchuplady, cburnham, ccmaine, cc_chapman, centernetworks, cesart, chelpixie, chrisbrogan, chrisfason, chrisheuer, chrispirillo, chrissieb, chrissychrzan, ckepiphany, ckieff, clarkey, closetgeekshow, cmajor, collindouma, communicatrix, conniecrosby, conniereece, corbett3000, crosberg, cspenn, cubicz, cyberpr, dancosta, danielpatricio, danielpink, danschawbel, darrylohrt, davecoleman, davedelaney, davefleet, daveforde, davepeck, davidalston, davidcrow, davidyarus, david_lynch, dchildress9, deanmeistr, debindenver, digitalwoman, djcoffman, dmscott, doctorjones, dough, dougmeacham, doverbey, drewmclellan, drupeek, dtapscott, dykc, d_hock, edenspodek, electra, elizabethb, elizabethhannon, elizabethonline, emilymelton, emzbulletproof, ericaogrady, erin_bury, fastcompany, film_girl, fionabloom, firsttiger, flashlight, footworkcustoms, forshannonski, frani_lieberman, frankgruber, fredwilson, freshbooks, fuzz, gapingvoid, geekigirl, genuine, geoffliving, geoffness, geoffsmith, georgeoneill, gerrykirk, gibsondm, girlgamy, gregbarnett, gregcangialosi, greggtilston, gregpc, gregverdino, grobertson, grun, guin, hessiej, hmorrison, hodgeman, hopkinsonreport, houndstv, howardgr, hyfen, iac_heather, illuminato, ilovecpstyle, incmagazine, infiltrators, innonate, ireneivy, jaffejuice, jaimewoo, jamessime, jamield, janellemonae, jarodvhale, jasonfalls, jasonlewin, jasongilmore, jaygoldman, jayrodriguez, jaywest, jcberk, jeffcutler, jeffpulver, jeffsarmiento, jennifer_jj, jeremywright, jessbennett, jesseddy, jessicagross, jessiecarp, jesieee, jkozuch, jmoonah, jodiechakowitz, joeysantiago, johnpapa, johnphilipgreen, johnwordballoon, jolieodell, joshfialkov, juleslov, juliaxgulia, julien, justinhernandez, jyarmis, kathysierra, keithbartus, kevinmercuri, khartline, kir, kk, klagen, knealmann, krianbalma, krisreyes, kristaneher, kristiewells, kyegrace, larrychiang, laughingsquid, lauraah, leahjones, leilaboujname, lenkody, levitanl, lindasherman, lindydreyer, lizstruass, lulula, lynneluvah, mackcollier, maddiegrant, maggiefox, malcolmbastien, marjoriekase, markblevis, markdowds, markgoren, markmckay, martinbuckland, martinhoffman, mashable, mathewi, matthewburpee, mattjmcd, maura, mayormiller, meeshbeer, megflower, melissafeeney, melle, micar, michaelocc, michelle_perras, michelsavoie, mikemcderment, mikeminer, mikenolan99, milesthibault, miss604, missrogue, missverna, mitchjoel, mlackey, mlseaton, modernmod, momcentral, mossappeal, mrblackfrancis, mrelph, mriggen, mrjcleaver, mvolpe, mynameiskate, naivelondongirl, natalielent, naterkane, neilgorman, neilkleid, nerdist, ness_is_more, newtypography, nextsteph, niche, nicopop, nikdreamer, nikkimartinez, nwjerseyliz, ohangie, ont_ombudsman, ozsultan, pageby_paige, paiiige, pftompkins, philipclark, phillipson, philnelson, photojunkie, pinguino, pinkbrickroad, popcandy, qtiptheabstract, rachelsegal, rahafharfoush, randymatheson, remarkk, renee3, repcor, rhh, rlangdon, robblatt, rob_guillory, rochlatinsky, rodwellian, rohdesign, rohitbhargava, rosemariee, rww, ryancoleman, samtitle, sandramcdonald, sarahcooley, sarahprevette, savvyauntie, schneidermike, scobelizer, scottbrooks, scottlackey, scottmonty, scottperezfox, seamuscondron, seanmcdonald, seanmoffitt, sernovitz, shannonpaul, shashib, sltoronto, smack416, socialjulio, socialmediaclub, sondernagle, sparkyfirepants, stacyjill, stephanfisher, stephfierman, steveagee, stevegarfield, stevehall, stevehoechster, strombo, stuartma, sunir, suzemuse, swissmiss, swoodruff, tamar, tamera, tdefren, technosailor, tedmurphy, thekarin, themarketingguy, themetz, themshow, thenaomi, thornley, thorpus, tiffanystrobel, timcommandments, timcoyne, tommyvallier, tomob, toniahammer, tonyfleecs, tpurves, trainerpack, trishussey, ttoste, unigo, unmarketing, vagredajr, vasta, verneho, virginiamiracle, wankergirl, warrenss, whitneyhess, wmacphail, wmmarc, youngamerican, zappos, zdarsky, zoesasha...and of course zoocasa!
(and thanks to @jaygilmore for the idea of doing this as a blogpost)
What, no hyperlinks?
I will be adding links tonight when I have more time!
JayGoldman is missing!
I'm not there (thekarin), but Saul and I don't know each other, could be that :)
I love Jay! I will add you both when I get to a computer.
Cool idea, Saul. You should consider adding a Twitter Roll to your sidebar. Check out the example on my blog, it's got some interesting feedback.
I made the list! Awesome. And BTW, your @100Interviews is up. Sorry it is not for Zoocasa but this is what happens when you wait so long. People change jobs! You can get to it at Thanks again Saul!
you are an amazing man.
Thanks for the include. I am so honored.
wow! that is some #FollowFriday list. Thanks for the mention! :)
I just noticed this. Holy crap what a large list! :) Thanks for the mention! :)
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