Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I simsonized myself and an update on my shoes.....

So like a gagillion other folks I finally ended up Simsonizing myself. I would've done it way sooner but the site kept getting all glitchy on me and this was the first time in a dozen tries that I was able to actually get it to work.

I don't think it captures my essence but it is still very cool and a great tie in to the movie


A while back I wrote about how I received a secret code/invitation to participate in an exclusive "by invitation only" NikeID AF1 event granting me the opportunity to design my own custom pair of Nike Air Force Ones. I would link to the original post but it is late and I am tired.
Anyway after posting 9 designs for all to see I settled on my favorite design....the ones I originally called O' Canada edition.

Well to update you all...The shoes are in production and should have my pair soon!
Enjoy your day/night as I am now off to bed!

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