Sunday, November 29, 2009

Now my Mom isn't the only one who thinks I am a genius.

Most people know that I am a HUGE fan of cool Word of Mouth marketing.

There are bunch of people who do it very well and a big chunk of them will be speaking (with myself) at the World of Mouth Supergenius event in Chicago on December 16.

Shameless plug aside this post isn't bout the conference and more about what the organizers did to promote the see they mailed a t-shirt to all the speakers with a customized discount code as an incentive to promote your appearance. I love this idea, I love free t-shirts and I love offering discounts to people who read my blog and perhaps like to follow what I am up to.

It makes perfect sense that a conference about Word of Mouth marketing would do something Word of Mouth worthy so for that I am getting on the bandwagon and joining folks like Jason Falls and writing a post about my shirt...but unlike Jason I can't show you a photo cause my shirt is being held at Canadian Customs or something so I just made my own :)

Here is a video of Andy Sernovitz explaining the idea behind the shirts and if you are interesting in attending please use the discount code SAULISMYHERO for a $101 off the cost of the conference.

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