Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I will be signing books this weekend at the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon......

If you happen to find your self in Toronto this weekend (Friday or Saturday) why not come on by the National Trade Centre at the CNE and attend the Paradise Comics Toronto Comicon. There are a bunch of great comic book creators that will be in attendance and if you are a fan of this particular blog you can introduce yourself and say hi to yours truly!

I will be signing anything you can bring me (I don't mind signing other people's books...I am good that way) or purchase from my booth.

Since I haven't appeared at a comic show in about a year (been busy with my day job) I have decided to pull out all the stops for this show. Not only will I be selling books and sketches booth will also be a Kissing Booth and I will happily sign body parts (as long as they are living) or give psychic reading and a bunch more things.

Check out my price list and come out and have some fun with me.


1 comment:

Arieh said...

Saul - you're a riot. Can't come to the comic gig - hoping to tap that keg earlaye and get going.

Bring you're son - we can get him to do a keg-stand! ;)

