Thursday, June 14, 2007

I finally have some street cred.

I attended CaseCamp5 this past Tuesday and really had a great time. Eli Singer organized another incredible event and the networking opportunities (for me at least) were incredible. to meet Mitch Joel umong others.

But that is not what this post is about.

It is about my shoes (ain't it always)

David Crow took this picture at Casecamp and posted it up on Flickr. I have only had these kicks for two days and the comments from strangers have been crazy. Walking to work today two of the biggest scariest looking guys walked up to me and were staring at my shoes. For a really short time I thought I was going to have to pretend I know Karate or even worse.....fake a seizure because people don't mug people who are in the middle of an epileptic fit.

SO as these guys get closer they are pretty focused on my shoes and are now sorta in a swarming formation and I am building up as much saliva in my mouth (to make a convincing ailment - never underestimate props).

When the guys get within reach of me the biggest dude bends over.........licks his thumb........rubs his wet thumb on both of the "toe" areas of the shoes..........stands up and announces.

"This guy has street cred.....those are ill kicks"

Then hilarity ensued.

This was one of the weirdest things I have ever been a part of


p.s. The shoes in the pict are not the custom shoes I spoke about a few posts earlier. These are actually a home made custom paintjob over a pair of all white (or white on white as the kids say) of the shelf AF1's

1 comment:

Mitch Joel said...

Saul it was GREAT meeting you!

We have to KEEP meeting like that.

Let's be sure to stay in touch!
